Now the latest news is that Naga Chaitanya is hitting to Kollywood with a dubbing movie. The makers continue to be hoping for a good run in Tamil, regardless of the Telugu version being a debacle. Tiger Vishwa is the title finalized. This film is likely to be the dubbed version of his telugu movie Dhada. Critics say this can be a poor way to launch in any industry.
NagaChantanya's Kollywood debut with Tiger Vishwa Movie
Now the latest news is that Naga Chaitanya is hitting to Kollywood with a dubbing movie. The makers continue to be hoping for a good run in Tamil, regardless of the Telugu version being a debacle. Tiger Vishwa is the title finalized. This film is likely to be the dubbed version of his telugu movie Dhada. Critics say this can be a poor way to launch in any industry.
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